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PC PakRatt for Windows

Now Y2K Compliant!

Windows of Opportunity

Timewave understands that dependable control software is just as important as powerful data controllers. Software can make all the difference in whether you find your hobby a pleasure or a tedious chore. PC PakRatt for Windows 2.1 makes digital radio easy and powerful. First, it runs under the easy-to-use Microsoft Windows™ format, even under Windows '95. Second, this software was written by Timewave for Timewave data controllers-no one else's software comes close.

Controls All Timewave TNCs
PC PakRatt for Windows 2.1 controls the whole line of Timewave data controllers. Using Windows' multi-tasking abilities, you can have dual-, tri-, or even quad-port operation with two full-featured Timewave data controllers. Imagine working an AMTOR DX station through your new DSP-232, receiving information from a local packet net on your PK-900's port 2, and working PACTOR on port 1 of the PK-900 - all at the same time!

Makes Life Easier
Whatever your TNC can do, PC PakRatt for Windows 2.1 makes it easier. Run HF or VHF packet (9600 bps or 1200 bps). Work PACTOR, AMTOR, RTTY (Baudot/ASCII), Morse, Signal Analysis, NAVTEX, or Dumb terminal modes.

Parameters for each TNC
There are many user-definable parameter menus for each mode and TNC which can be set up quickly and called upon when needed. All the commands you can never remember are visually displayed in the various menus and windows. Plus, help is available at any time. Because of the versatile parameter menus, beginners can learn more about the commands they are using for the first time. Advanced users will realize increased efficiency and easier control of two TNCs. PC PakRatt is a must for anyone who wants to unleash the full power of their Timewave TNC.

Log Windows Compatibility
That's right-PC PakRatt for Windows 2.1 is fully compatible with Log Windows 3.0. This means you can have the powerful TNC control of PC PakRatt, coupled with the great database, logging, and tracking features of Log Windows 3.0.

ANSI Graphics
Sending and receiving ANSI graphics in PACTOR is now possible. Send and receive pictures like the city shown above.

Mailbox Features
Check your packet, PACTOR, and AMTOR messages using PC PakRatt's MailDrop interface. The easy-to-use MailDrop interface makes reading, writing, editing, and filing messages simple.

More Features
Separate windows for QSO logging, file transfers, Help, and much more. Full access to other programs and Windows utilities. Information in the transmit window can be saved to the Windows clipboard for cutting and pasting elsewhere.

386 PC or better, Windows 3.1 or better, 4 MB free hard disk space, and 2 MB RAM (4 MB recommended), and a Timewave data controller with August 1991 firmware or better.

Windows Version 2.1 Features

  • Y2K Compliant
  • Controls the whole family of Timewave data controllers
  • Runs under Microsoft Windows™ 3.1 and Windows '95/98/NT
  • Operates up to four radio ports
  • Log Windows 2 - 3.0 compatible
  • ANSI graphics in PACTOR
  • Controls all features of Timewave TNCs
  • Runs minimized or in background
  • Has complete macro key facility
  • Built-in QSO logging program
  • On-screen help
  • Separate windows for MailDrop operation and QSO logging
  • Separate parameter screens for all the modes

Book Icon

Reference Library

PC PakRatt for Windows article written by Jeffery Sloman, N1EWO

July 13, 1999
  © 2007-2023 Timewave Technology, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.